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2023 events

The Gosnold-Cuttyhunk Action Network (Cuttyhunk CAN!) is delighted to collaborate with the Gosnold/Cutural Council's second  walk 'n talk  of thee 2023 summer by the Island's Nature Interpreter Allie Thurston. In an informative and engaging presentation, come learn more about the barriers that provide essential shelter to our ponds, and the challenges of sea-level rise in the near future. 




Saturday, June 10, 2023, 4pM“Sustainable Gardening on cuttyhunk"
Cuttyhunk CAN! launched its Summer 2023 events

with an Allie Thurston wallk 'n talk and a recycling - spring

cleaning opportunity!

Meet at the base of Bayberry Hill Road by the Tennis Courts
BYOBeverage reception to follo
w. Location TBA.

Join Allie Thurston, Cuttyhunk's own Interpretive 
Naturalist, for our first public program and "walk 'n talk*" of the season  Come learn about low-maintenance, eco-friendly gardening choices that protect, restore and enhance the garden and benefit humans and other organisms.


*  For those for whom the event might be more accessible,  golf carts are welcome.

Sponsored by the Gosnold Cultural Council with support from the Gosnold-Cuttyhunk Climate Action Network.


Allison "Allie" Thurston
Biographical Notes

Allie is a life-long collector and observer of natural history. She has led nature walks on Cuttyhunk for many years and workshops farther afield for groups including the Nature Conservancy and Audubon Society.
A longtime activist in environmental issues, Allie has designed pollinator gardens for municipal and private green spaces. She has presented to the United Garden Clubs,  Audubon Society and many others on a variety of topics ranging from integrated pest management to sustainable gardens.


A much appreciated multi-tasking volunteer for the Cuttyhunk Historical Society, Allie has curated several exhibits for the Museum of the Elizabeth Islands  including “The Nature that Connects Us: the Natural History of the Elizabeth Islands.”


Well known fun fact: Allie is the first to go barefoot, and the last to go back to  wearing shoes.

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“Marine debris & Island clean-up!"
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RECYCLING for shelter animals
(and the planet!)

DATELINE May 26, 2023
As posted to the Cuttyhunk Telegraph:

Cuttyhunk CAN! ANNOUNCES a recycling project

of  clean used linens 
•  towels
•  comforters
•  tablecloths 
•  cloth napkins

•  etc.


Through Saturday, June 10, please drop off CLEAN used

linens at the Wilder House at Four Corners. 

All items will be taken to an animal shelter on the Mainland to be repurposed for bedding for the animals.

Thank YOU for keeping reusable items out of the Cuttyhunk solid waste stream - and for making the lives of shelter animals more comfortable!


[Photo credit:  from Retail Me Not April 3, 2023 story Aly Walansky
“13 Stores That Let You Bring in Old Clothes for Recycling”]


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Got an idea for a program or would like to helP? Contact us!







Cuttyhunk CAN! and its programs are made possible by a grant from the  Gosnold/Cuttyhunk Cultural Council, a local agency  supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state  agency; and by "RunEvery Day is Earth Day," a grant program of the Buzzards Bay Coalition; the Cuttyhunk 5K Walk; and individual community contributions. 







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The Gosnold Cuttyhunk Climate Action Network (Cuttyhunk CAN!)

sign up for updates! 


© 2020-24 Cuttyhunk CAN! | web dev: Alternating Currents r. r/ Jan 23, 2025 

logo:  Michael Frazel 

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