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Composting decreases Gosnold's solid waste volume and expenses - and yours! - while contributing to limiting climate change. Turn non-meat,  compostable garbage - egg shells, melon rinds, crumbs, scraps, and clippings into rich soil.

In the months aheaad, and we hope in advance of the 2024 Summer Season, we'll provide information on how to set up your own individual compost bin. Longer term we look forward to a discussion of the viability of a complementary communty composting effort.

Here's a report from WXPR in Rhinelander, Wisconsin:


“Backyard Composting“
April 9, 2021 Radio feature WXPR reporter  Erin Gottsacker [RT = 5 minutes]

[ photo from Trees for Tomorrow


rev. August 29, 2023

5. Q

The Gosnold Cuttyhunk Climate Action Network (Cuttyhunk CAN!)

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© 2020-24 Cuttyhunk CAN! | web dev: Alternating Currents r. r/ Jan 23, 2025 

logo:  Michael Frazel 

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